Saturday, July 14, 2012


Some pictures I took at a local gig... Light was definitely a problem, an external flash might improve the situation.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New year. New photos.

I'm back! After a brief break over the festive season, it's time for some more photography. Woohooo
This is a range of self portraits that I snapped this very morning.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

For Q, on your journey

In Memorian

"Thank you for the love, the laughs, the awkward moments, for being fluent in idiot and sarcasm, for the days when the previous night's heaven became that morning's hell, the impossible debates, the quirky dress and unforgettable personalities that coloured our ninja mares (especially during exams), the times we balled on a budget, purposefully procrastinated until we ended up pulling horrid all-nighters. You cleaned up my messes, guided me down the right path and left indellible impressions upon me. Wherever I am, I am surrounded by family. The next year of madness and glory awaits us, but for now, a journey of my own beckons. 'til we meet again, forever begins... NOW!"
Qaqambile Q Mapukata